So you get unstuck and show up in your business and life confident and ready to do what you were born to do...
'Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Voice' is about finding you... It's about you maximising your potential in life and in your business.
You're not here by accident... you were born with a purpose and for a purpose.
However, there may have been events in your life that caused you to shut up and shut down your voice.
Maybe it was the divorce, the childhood trauma or even adult abuse. The teachers who never understood you. The parents who never let you have your say, or even your employer who told you to 'toe the company line' and never say what you think.
Inside "Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Voice,"
You'll Learn:
How to find your voice so you activate and leverage your dormant gifts.
Get in your flow so you get better results and do more with less.
Break free from limitations so you show up in life as the best version of you.
Unleash your passion and creativity, putting the fun and joy back into your work.
Increase your confidence so you pursue your calling with bold faith.
Be an influence so you make a positive impact.
As a coach, I felt frustrated that I couldn't answer my clients questions, "so what's my purpose?"
I've seen the tears of those who have everything money could buy, yet have that empty feeling because they never felt fulfilled.
I felt I was doing what I was called to do, but I couldn't help other people discover what they were born to do. I understood what it meant to lose your voice and later realised why I couldn't help other people discover their purpose.
It's because...
Discovery is from the inside out.
But I also knew that a formula wasn't going to get these women the answers they were looking for.
Fast forward a few years and during a women's event I partnered with another minister to pray for women individually. The minister I partnered with said to one lady as she outlined her prayer request, "you've lost your voice haven't you?"
With that, the lady burst into tears and talked about how she had become the silent partner in her once vibrant relationship. I will never forget it. It was a deep cry for help.
Fast forward another few months, as I was reading 1 Corinthians 14:4 in my bible...
I read that "though there are many kinds of voices in this world, none of them is without significance."
You know when you're reading a book and the words jump out at you? This is what happened to me and God began downloading into my spirit what it looks like to have a voice.
Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Voice is the result of this download.
It's a simple guide to understanding you... What you love, what makes you tick and what energises you. It will help you clarify who you were called to serve and why.
Through consulting with online business owners over the years, I discovered that it wasn't their lack of ability that made them struggle to build their business online, it was that they had lost their voice.
For many, life had dealt them a hard blow and not only had they lost their voice, with it they lost their very identity.
But when they owned their voice, they began to get closer to discovering their purpose.
When I read that scripture from Corinthians 14, "no voice is without significance..."
That sealed it for me! From that time, I set out on a mission to help other women recognise that their voice has significance, and they do have a purpose.
And remember... "no voice is without significance." Your voice is as important as anybody else's voice. You just have to know it so you own it and use it for the impact you were created to make.
Knowing you have a voice is the first step towards realising your personal power.
Once you know you have a voice, it's time to wake it up by owning it! You're no longer someone else's echo chamber.
Now you've woken up your voice, it's time to create with it to make a bigger impact!
I'm not just saying it because I wrote the book...
"but this is undoubtedly the missing piece to personal growth that so few are talking about."
You could have all the money in the world and still be unfulfilled.
I've coached those women and most would give up the 'things' to live on purpose and know that at the end of each day, the work they did mattered because they matter, and the people they're called to serve matter.
I'm giving you my FREE Know Your Purpose Roadmap.
It's 5 things people who live on purpose know that others do not. It includes a download link to the infographic and walkthrough video. ($37.00 Value!)
My guarantee to you is that these basic steps, when implemented, will result in you knowing what it means to live a life unleashed as you begin to experience what being YOU genuinly feels like.
These are the same basic steps I followed in my quest to wake up and own my voice, which has enabled me to make a bigger impact in the world as I show up as ME.
BUT... If for whatever reason you hate the book, just send me an email and I'll refund your $9 AND you can keep the book and the bonuses.
I'm Trish Jones is a wife, mother of one, daughter, sister to five, aunt to many, speaker, author, coach and entrepreneur.
My journey as a coach began in the corporate world over 20-years ago when the company I worked for introduced a coaching culture. I began to realise how important coaching was for productivity as well as employee wellbeing.
After giving birth to my first and only child in 2002, I decided to start my business, coaching. This was when I began to recognise the same patterns in business owners as I witnessed in the coroporate world... failure had little to do with their ability to implement the processes, it was down to confidence. And through further research, I realised this lack of confidence was down to people supressing their voice.
This is the foundation of my book, Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Voice.